Saturday, December 28 2013 10:00 AM EST2013-12-28 15:00:15 GMT
Laughter, tears, head scratching - it all happened from January through December 2013. Let's hope there are more moments of entertaining unproductivity in the coming year.
Laughter, tears, head scratching - it all happened from January through December 2013. Let's hope there are more moments of entertaining unproductivity in the coming year.
Saturday, December 21 2013 5:06 PM EST2013-12-21 22:06:50 GMT
If you were pouring your heart out on a couch and Chuck Norris was your psychiatrist, you know what he'd tell you to do? After karate chopping you in the neck, he'd tell you to suck it up, princess.
If you were pouring your heart out on a couch and Chuck Norris was your psychiatrist, you know what he'd tell you to do? After karate chopping you in the neck, he'd tell you to suck it up, princess.
Saturday, December 7 2013 10:00 AM EST2013-12-07 15:00:16 GMT
(RNN) - Imagine this: two good friends traveling the country trying to dig out dusty pieces of history that you can mount on a wall. It would make a great TV show, right? (Intern whispering in my ear)
Since there's already a show about a tall guy in a leather jacket and a short guy with a receding hair line trespassing in farmers' backyards, we might as well give you the next best thing.
Saturday, November 30 2013 10:00 AM EST2013-11-30 15:00:16 GMT
(RNN) - A head coach is a noble position, one of authority and leadership - unless you do something the entire world can see is horribly, terribly wrong.Enter Jason Kidd, who the NBA just fleeced for $50,000
There is no shortage of videos documenting the humanity-lowering, sadistic hoarding of goods every year on the day after Thanksgiving.
Saturday, November 23 2013 10:15 AM EST2013-11-23 15:15:39 GMT
When you're a kid you think you can do anything. If you don't feel that way anymore, this might rouse some of that can-do spirit.
When you're a kid, you think you can do anything. If you don't feel that way anymore, this might rouse some of that can-do spirit.
Saturday, November 16 2013 10:03 AM EST2013-11-16 15:03:17 GMT
(RNN) - Every now and then we get a kick in the pants that reminds us how far we have come. Translation: Lots of stuff happens to remind us we're getting older. That apparently happened to one man when
If you have ever wondered what happened to VHS tapes - you probably haven't - one man is going to become your new hero.
Saturday, November 9 2013 10:00 AM EST2013-11-09 15:00:16 GMT
(RNN) - If you're having a bad day and generally feeling pitiful about your life, suck it up or else Dr. Deborah Cohan will smack you over the head with her contagious upbeat attitude. Cohan did something
If a breast cancer patient dancing like she's carefree before undergoing a mastectomy doesn't bring a smile to your face, you're incapable of being happy.
Saturday, November 2 2013 5:02 PM EDT2013-11-02 21:02:58 GMT
Maybe if New York's Finest took some lessons from the man with the fastest fingers on YouTube, they would do a better job of handling thousands of kids on skateboards.
Maybe if New York's Finest took some lessons from the man with the fastest fingers on YouTube, they would do a better job of handling thousands of kids on skateboards.
Saturday, October 26 2013 11:00 AM EDT2013-10-26 15:00:11 GMT
(RNN) - By show of hands, how many people knew McDonald's had an employee help line? Two things on that. One, if there are McDonald's employees who didn't know that, some things need serious re-evaluation. Two,
A video of a proud papa brought to tears by his son's passing math grade is a testament to the virtue of perseverance coupled with solid parental involvement.
Saturday, October 19 2013 10:03 AM EDT2013-10-19 14:03:16 GMT
(RNN) - Admit it, you sing in the shower, and you sometimes fantasize about what it's like to switch roles with the actor in your favorite TV show or movie. And some people who really far off center do
B-list actors, bored ship crew members and a lot of songs you had almost forgotten will now be in your head for days. You're welcome, by the way.