A crowd gathers to look at a crocodile that was captured by the Uganda Wildlife Authority (Picture: AFP / Peter Busomokepeter)
An enormous crocodile believed to have killed and eaten four people from a Ugandan village has been caught.
The one tonne killer croc was captured by Uganda Wildlife Authority (UWA) officials following a four-day hunt in Kakira village, in the Jinja district of eastern Uganda.
It was trapped with meat on a hook before more than 100 residents gathered to watch it being pulled on to the back of a pick-up truck, Ugandan newspaper New Vision reported.

Residents of the Kakira village gather around the crocodile (Picture: AFP / Peter Busomokepeter)
‘Residents appealed to UWA to hunt the crocodile following the death of a resident from Kakira town council in Jinja district,’ said UWA official Sulani Tumanya.
The giant reptile is believed to have killed at least four fishermen along the shores of Lake Victoria and maimed several others.
Many fishermen, who feared for their lives, had refused to go near the lake until the crocodile was caught.
The crocodile, believed to be 80 years old, was transferred to the Murchison Falls National Park.
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