STR/EPA Kache Kombe (center), who survived the attack, cries after learning of her husband's death.
STRINGER/AFP/Getty Images Police officers stand at the scene where the bus shooting happened.
Stringer/AP A victim injured after the attack is carried on a stretcher to Malindi sub county hospital in Witu, Kenya.
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Enlarge Seven people were killed when gunmen attacked a bus at the Kenyan coast where previous attacks had left 87 people dead, the Kenya Red Cross said Saturday.
The attack Friday night came at Corner Mbaya, three miles from the coastal town of Witu in Lamu County, the humanitarian group said.
Two of those killed were security officials and five were civilians, the Red Cross said.
Authorities believe many of the passengers in the 52-seater bus fled into a nearby forest.
Al Qaeda-linked Al Shabab militants from Somalia claimed responsibility for the attack.
Al Shabab said the attackers were sending a message to Kenya that the group’s operations in coastal areas cannot be stopped.