Dear Sir:
The best Christmas and New Year gift that the people of Grenada, Carriacou and Petite Martinique can receive from their prime minister Keith Mitchell is a signed and seal ed letter of resignation, captioned “I lied, I have failed you. Sorry, I am NOT capable of delivering the jobs I bragged about.”
With thousands of Grenadians unemployed and not in a position to offer a gift to their wives, husbands, child, mothers and fathers, it would be fitting for the leader of the “Promised Land”, who promised them jobs, jobs and more jobs, to now rise to the occasion and do what is right .Give the people that special gift. Peter David, Chester and many supporters of the NNP will be extremely happy when the prime minister does so.
Mitchell successfully hoodwinked 33,000 Grenadians to vote for him and the NNP promising so much (pie in the sky and a fairy tale) but delivering nothing for the past two years. If only the people of Grenada can get this one Christmas and New Year gift they will be forever grateful and thankful.
His resignation as minister of finance and leader of the country is paramount if Grenada is to move forward as a united country. Having the distinction as the major divider of the Grenadian people, if the prime minister is serious about 'Project Grenada' he would realise that for this project to succeed he can’t be the nucleus of it. He has to be on the fringes.
Throughout the history of Grenada no political leader has so blatantly and un-apologetically lied to the electorate and divided the county along party political lines. Not even Sir Eric Gairy.
Mitchell told the electorate that he has traveled to the Unites States, Canada, England, etc. and met scores of investors who are willing to invest in Grenada, the only pre-condition is the removal of the NDC from office. The NDC is out of office and two years into his fourth term as prime minister not a single credible investor has arrived in Grenada.
Former prime minister Tillman Thomas, Nazim Burke and the NDC must be credited for bringing Sandals to Grenada. Sandals is regional brand of high credibility.
Had the people of Grenada appreciated the virtues of accountability, transparency and good governance, the country under Tillman Thomas would have moved up the doing-business ratings and much more than Sandals would be investing in Grenada.
In an interview with pastor Simon Stanford, the prime minister gave a litany of projects which he told the pastor and people will be coming on stream within six months. Two years later not a single one of these projects has started. Mitchell went further to tell pastor Simon, “You know me, if I am in a job and can't do it I will leave.”
Mr Prime Minister, the time has come for Dr Mitchell to quit. Your aura which you once had has faded . You have lost the trust and confidence of the Grenadian people, even the members of your party. Don't continue for the sake of an inflated ego and legacy to hold the Grenadian people, especially thousands of unemployed young persons, in mental bondage and economic hostages. As you would say, “Have a heart. Be a man.” Give the Grenadian people their Christmas and New Year gift. That is the last goodwill gesture you can afford them.
Pastor Simon, as part of his civic duties to his congregation, should remind the prime minister of his words. Truthfulness and honesty should be his watchword. Pastor Simon may find it difficult to do so since it is alleged that he is the recipient of many favours from the NNP.
Robert Mugabe, the tyrant of Zimbabwe, is finally coming to his senses and laying the foundation for his exit from active politics. Like PM Mitchell he destroyed the once vibrant economy of Zimbabwe was once the breadbasket of Africa, today under his leadership Zimbabwe is the 'waste basket'.
Robert Mugabe and Keith Mitchell are filthy rich, while the vast majority of people are desperately poor. Mugabe has given the people of Zimbabwe some hope by indicating that he will be stepping down. He gave his Christmas and New Year gift to Zimbabweans, Grenadians are frustratingly and desperately awaiting theirs from Keith Mitchell.
Even Nicholas Steele and Alexandria Otway Noel, the aristocrats in the NNP, are looking forward for their gift.
Grenada under Mitchell is fast approaching 'waste basket' status. Rampant un-employment among the young people has literally destroyed an entire generation. It’s really sad to see so many young persons living in hopelessness and deprivation. Drug use and alcohol consumption, teenage pregnancy, crime, violence and prostitution are 'sky high' while all some ministers and senators can brag about is the opening of a juvenile delinquent centre for these very said young people. Give them a gift, Mr Prime Minister.
Some may blindly defend the prime minister for his many false statements that he has made in the last two years, trivializing his pronouncements as politics.
Keith's Mitchell latest attempt to mislead the Grenadian people was during the last budget presentation when he indicated that Grenada's unemployment rate has miraculously been reduced to under 30%.
Political leader of the National Democratic Congress Nazim Burke effectively dealt with his attempt to mislead the nation. These are signs that the prime minister has lost his way and should resign. He is fearful of facing the facts under his watch. His state of denial and paranoia is the destruction of an entire country
Chester Humphrey is struggling with his soul, as he is now joined at the hip with Keith Mitchell. All that he previously fought against he is now perpetuating and promoting as an NNP. When men of authority, power and influence are in such a mental state, the people suffer. Adolf Hitler is a case in point.
Since assuming the office of the prime minister in February 2013, prime minister Mitchel has been a thorn in the flesh of Grenadians. His tax policies and structural adjustment program are crippling the country.
Many are too afraid to speak out, others are selfishly colluding with the prime minister for their own self interest and monetary gains, while others just can't be bothered given the psychological shock they are experiencing .
Listening to the budget presentation of senator De Allie, an alleged sympathiser of the NNP, who was allegedly involved in the Garden group fiasco, it was obvious the pains that he too is going through. He made a deliberate effort to be balanced but one gets the sense that he is frustrated with the economic and fiscal management under the NNP. He however prefer this bad management of the economy because he suspects that he has more to gain personally under this NNP administration. He silently wants his Christmas and New Year gift but is too coward to say so.
The legacy of Tillman Thomas is clean and pure.
Keith Mitchell, Chester Humphrey, Peter David, Pastor Simon, Michael Church, Joseph Gilbert, Glynis Roberts, Pastor Hood are struggling with their souls and fighting with their consciences . They can all clear their corrupted conscience by encouraging the 'doc' to go.
Father forgive them for they know what they have done and doing to the Grenadian people.
Happy New Year to everyone.
Grenadian Class