By Josh Butler | Last updated: Mar 11, 2015 - 5:56:18 PM
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UNITED NATIONS (IPS) - Libya is teetering on the edge of all-out war, with a brutal stalemate and misery for civilians predicted unless a recent minor diplomatic breakthrough can be built upon.
The International Crisis Group, a non-governmental organization working to prevent and resolve conflict, warned in late February of a “dramatic turning point” in the “deteriorating internal conflict,” with a descent into social radicalism predicted.
“The most likely medium-term prospect is not one side’s triumph, but that rival local warlords and radical groups will proliferate, what remains of state institutions will collapse … and hardship for ordinary Libyans will increase exponentially,” the ICG said in a report, “Libya: Getting Gevena Right.”
The ICG called on parties to the conflict to continue negotiations commenced in Geneva in January, which ended with no resolution but a commitment to extend talks.
Claudia Gazzini, ICG’s Libya senior analyst, said any full-scale war would likely descend into stalemate.
“Libya is split between two sides claiming increasingly threadbare legitimacy, flirting with jihadi radicals and pursuing politics through militia war backed by foreign powers,” she said.
“[The] Tobruk and Tripoli authorities are equally matched, and cannot defeat each other. To save the country they must negotiate a national unity government.”
On Feb. 20, a spokesperson for UN Secretary-General Ban-Ki-moon said “a political solution to the current crisis must be found quickly to restore peace and stability in the country and confront terrorism.”
The conflict in Libya—between the elected government of Libya, based in Tobruk, and forces aligned to its opposition party, based in Tripoli—has been ongoing since May 2014. ISIL (Islamic State of Iraq in the Levant) forces entered the conflict in October, taking control of areas in eastern Libya.
Reliable numbers of casualties have not been released. A UN Support Mission In Libya (UNSMIL) report in December 2014 stated only that “hundreds” had been killed in preceding months, including 450 people in Benghazi and 100 people in western Libya.
The website, which claims to assemble death tolls from media reports, states 2,825 people were killed in Libya in 2014, and 380 have been killed in 2015.
UNSMIL said in December at least 215,000 people have been displaced due to the conflict.