Khartoum — The Sudanese Union of Bakeries said that technical problems at one of the major mills caused the flour gap throughout the country, which greatly affected bread production and prices.
The head of the union, Badreldin Jalad, confirmed in a press statement on Thursday that the operations of flour distribution to all bakeries will resume after the mills of the Sayga company, owned by businessman Osama Dawud, run again. The mills, that cover more than half of Sudan's consumption need, were stopped for a short period for technical reasons, Jalad said.
The union's statement follow denials by other officials who have accused distributors of making up the crisis for their own benefits.
Days before this announcement, Sudanese citizens suffered from price hikes and a scarcity of bread caused by the flour crisis. People in El Fasher were surprised by a sudden increase in the price of bread on Wednesday. A loaf of bread cost 2 Sudanese pounds ($0.33) instead of one, which was the price the day before.
In Sudan's Northern state the flour crisis in combination with the cooking gas shortage has escalated in Marawi locality. Residents reported that the rising prices started more than a month ago. People in El Dubba and the state of El Gezira reported the same. In Wad Medani, large numbers line up outside stores to get a gas tube, of which the price ranges between SDG 70-100 ($11.60-16.60).
White Nile state has witnessed a gas crisis too for more than three months: the price of a tube has amounted to SDG 120 ($19.90) on the black market.
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