Murdered: Patrick Karegeya, Rwanda's former spy chief who became an opposition campaigner.

Murdered: Patrick Karegeya, Rwanda's former spy chief who became an opposition campaigner. Photo: AP

A Rwandan opposition party called on South Africa to double efforts to protect dissidents from the central African country after its former spy chief Patrick Karegeya was found dead in a Johannesburg hotel room.

‘‘By killing its opponents, the criminal regime in Kigali seeks to intimidate and silence the Rwandan people into submission,’’ the Rwanda National Congress said.

The Rwandan government did not respond immediately to a request for comment.

Mr Karegeya had helped set up the Rwanda National Congress, the party said, and was living in exile South Africa.

Paul Kagame has been Rwandan President since April 2000. His ruling Rwandan Patriotic Front party won 41 out of 53 seats in elections on September 16.

While he has been praised for rebuilding the economy, human rights activists have criticised him for cracking down on civil rights and silencing dissent.

‘‘There is a a lot of information at our disposal at the moment,’’ said Captain Paul Ramaloko, a spokesman for Hawks, South Africa’s special investigations unit. ‘‘We want evidence before reaching out to any individual.’’

Opponents to Kagame’s Rwandan Patriotic Front party have been targeted around the world, the Rwanda National Congress said.

General Kayumba Nyamwasa, a founding member of the party, survived two assassination attempts in Johannesburg in June 2010, it said. The party named at least 11 other dissidents who have been killed in countries including Rwanda, Kenya, Uganda, Cameroon and Belgium.